Course curriculum

  • 1


    • How to Navigate the LMS and the Course Page

    • Welcome to the Special Course on Clinical Pedagogy

    • Expectations Setting

    • Clinical Pedagogy Training Course Onboarding Session

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    MODULE 1 - Educational Theories and Goals of Clinical Legal Education

    • Reminders

    • Introduction

    • I. Major Objectives of Clinical Legal Education; Definitions

    • II. Educational Theory of Clinics

    • III. The Bar Exam; Notes on Assessment and Grading

    • IV. Client Readiness and the Public Interest

    • V. Module Synthesis and Exercise

    • Bibliography

    • Module 1 Evaluation

    • Announcement re: Synchronous Processing Session for Module 1

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    MODULE 2 - Clinic Design, Scope of Practice, and Case Selection

    • I. Fundamental Principles in Designing Clinical Programs

    • II. Factors to Consider in Building a Clinical Program; Major Components

    • III. Specific Design Questions

    • IV. Module Synthesis and Exercise

    • Bibliography

    • Questions re: Synchronous Session on March 4, 2022; 9:30AM

    • Module 2 Evaluation

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    MODULE 3 - Non-Directive Pedagogy and Reflective Practice

    • I. Overview

    • II. Defining Non-Directive Pedagogy

    • III. Demonstrating Non-Directive Pedagogy

    • IV. Defining Reflective Practice

    • V. Demonstrating Reflective Practice

    • VI. Setting High Expectations, Building Trust, and Dealing with Mistakes

    • VII. Assessing Non-Directive Pedagogy and Reflective Practice

    • VIII. Module Exercise

    • Bibliography

    • Questions re: Synchronous Session on March 10, 2022 (Thursday); 9:30AM

    • Module 3 Evaluation

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    MODULE 4 - Classroom and Seminar Teaching

    • Estimated Time to Complete Module 4

    • I. Module Overview

    • II. Structure and Sequence

    • III. The Law and Procedure

    • IV. Practice Skills

    • V. Ethics and Professionalism

    • VI. Case Rounds

    • VII. Other Teaching Tools/Methods (PART 1)

    • VIII. Other Teaching Tool/Methods (PART 2)

    • IX. Module Recap and Exercise

    • Bibliography

    • Questions re: Synchronous Session on March 18, 2022; 9:30AM

    • Module 4 Evaluation

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    MODULE 5 - Practice Supervision

    • Estimated Time to Complete Module 5

    • I. Module Overview

    • II. Design Elements on Practice Supervision

    • III. Practice Supervision and Reflective Cycle; Non-Directive Supervision and Feedback

    • IV. The Directive Practice

    • V. Sustainable Excellence

    • VI. Case and Client Selection

    • VII. Module Exercise

    • Bibliography

    • Questions re: Synchronous Session on March 25, 2022; 9:30AM

    • Module 5 Evaluation

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    MODULE 6 - Ethics and Professional Formation

    • Estimated Time to Complete Module 6

    • I. Module Overview

    • II. Client-Centered Lawyering

    • III. Client Identification

    • IV. Confidentiality

    • V. Communication

    • VI. Competence and the Limits of Good Lawyering

    • VII. Module Exercise

    • Bibliography

    • Questions re: Synchronous Session on April 1, 2022; 9:30AM

    • Module 6 Evaluation

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    MODULE 7 - Summary and Toolkit for Clinicians

    • Estimated Time to Complete Module 7

    • I. Module Overview

    • II. Major Objectives of Clinical Legal Education

    • III. Components of Professional Formation

    • IV. Non-Directive Teaching and Supervision

    • V. Reflective Practice

    • VI. Curricular Components (Classroom/Seminar and Supervision)

    • VII. Principles of Program Design

    • VIII. Formation and Values

    • IX. Control, Unpredictability, and Serendipity

    • Bibliography

    • Questions re: Synchronous Session on April 8, 2022; 9:30AM

    • Module 7 Evaluation

    • Announcement